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4 effective types of eDetails

4 Effective Types of EDetails!

By Hollie Toft

eDetails are often used as a communication tool within the healthcare industry, to convey important and sometimes complex information about a product or service. There are a number of different approaches when it comes to eDetails, from interactive HTMLs to printed leave behinds, to suit a range of budgets.

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5 reasons why you need sales aids

5 Reasons Why You Need Sales Aids!

By Hollie Toft

Particularly within the healthcare industry, sales aids (including interactive PDFs, eDetails and Mode of Action animations) are a great way to communicate with your audience, whoever they might be. Investing in high quality sales aids is crucial in being able to effectively market your products and services.

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CES Tech 2024

CES Tech 2024 – Part One

By Hollie Toft

It’s that time of year again, where we get an insight into the direction of tech advancements and the new announcements from the CES Tech event! Unsurprisingly, a lot of announcements at CES Tech 2024 centred around AI and wearable technology, but expect to see some bizarre tech!

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MOA for Effective Communication

MOAs – Effective Communication!

By Hollie Toft

In today’s digital world, visual aids play a pivotal role in sharing and digesting information. Mode of Action (MOA) animations are a fantastic tool, particularly for healthcare companies, in effectively communicating often complex information to a range of audiences.

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