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SXSW 2019

SXSW 2019 Day 4 & 5: AR/MR & Bose VR

By Matt Dass

Day 4: AR / MR will change everything, Bose VR, good omens activation & the final countdown I had eagerly anticipated day 4 of my SXSW visit as it signalled the beginning of a number of Augmented/Mixed/Immersive Reality discussions. The first of which featured a number of experts in this field, most notably Tony Parisi,…

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SXSW 2019

SXSW 2019 day 3: Audio AR & AI Music

By Matt Dass

Audio AR, the death of websites, AI music & why creative agencies are f****d. Day 3 started with a visit to the Bose AR Pop-up store which was a converted Airstream camper van, located on Rainey Street, just a short walk from where I was staying. When Bose announced their Audio Augmented Reality offering at…

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SXSW 2019

SXSW 2019 Day 1 & 2: Robots & Magic Leap

By Matt Dass

SXSW, or South by South West to give it its full name, was launched in 1987 by members of the local newspaper, The Austin Chronicle. Originally intended as a music and arts festival it has quickly grown to become one of the World’s most important events for film, art, music and most importantly for me,…

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Hull Marathon 2019

Grab your Trainers: The Hull Marathon 2019

By Callum Saunders

If you haven’t already heard, Eon Visual Media are joint headlines sponsors of The Hull Marathon for the next until 2020, alongisde our good friends at Brainworks! We’ve thoroughly enjoyed our partnership thus far with event and we can’t wait to see it continue! Our Video team covered the event, filming all of the action and…

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World Class Digital Media… with balls!

By Callum Saunders

The Eon Media team have been sharpening up their football skills, in conjunction with our sister company Springfield Solutions ahead of the World Cup 2018…   To celebrate the event, we created this homage to a spoof we shot 20 years ago for the 1998 World Cup and the result is, well.. see for yourself  

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Hull Marathon 2018 Powered by Eon Visual Media and Brainworks

Sponsorship Announcement: The Hull Marathon

By Callum Saunders

We are delighted to announce that alongside our friends at Brainworks, Eon Visual Media will be the new headline sponsor of The Hull Marathon 2018. Having worked closely with the marathon team over numerous years with filming and design, it is a great pleasure to be able to continue our partnership with the event for…

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New Years at Eon Visual Media

Happy New Year!

By Matt Dass

We hope you’ve all enjoyed the festive break. Everyone at Eon would like to wish you all the very best for 2018! We’re all looking forward to an exciting and very innovative year here at Eon. To take stock of some of the exciting projects, awards & social media activity we were involved with in…

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Matt, James and Lotty at Digital Awards

Digital Awards Success

By Tim Evison

Eon Visual Media was amongst the winners at last night’s KCOM/Hull Daily Mail Digital Awards ceremony which took place at Stage@The Dock. Eon picked up the award in the “Best Digital Innovation” category for its innovative and pioneering app and analytics portal developed for MedSked. Eon fought off stiff competition from Moodbeam and Global View…

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Med-Con Technologies App

Digital Awards Nomination

By Tim Evison

A significant challenge facing all pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals is in ensuring that patients take their prescribed medicine doses correctly and at specified times. This is particularly critical during clinical trials of any new drug where failure to adhere to the prescription regime can render trials null and void. Clinical trials cost pharmaceutical companies…

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