Disclaimer – The following article was published as part of an April Fool’s Day Prank! As much as we would love a 6-day weekend, we are definitely not operating on a 1-day working week!
For the past 24 years, Eon Visual Media have been pioneers in using innovative technology to create stunning and eye-catching visual content.
We have always been keen to adapt our working practices and develop radical new business models to help increase the productivity of our staff as well as our overall business efficiency.
With this, we recently realised that the less we work, the more we get done, so we decided to go all out and only work one day per week from 1st April 2021!
We firmly believe that our new approach will increase staff productivity during our one-day working week, whilst also guaranteeing maximum relaxation over a six-day weekend.
We reached out and asked some of our staff to share their thoughts on this revolutionary new development.

“There’s no better feeling than the satisfaction of hard day’s graft, followed by 6 days off.”
Jack Milson

“I don’t think I’ve ever been this productive in my life!”
James Cherry

“Mondays are still the worst, but the rest of the week isn’t too shabby”
Steve Forster

“I still wish the weekends were longer…”
Matt Dass
By reducing the number of workdays during the week, we have also managed to reduce our business overheads and resources, such as the amount of milk we need for the office fridge.
As pioneers of this new one-day working week approach, we hope that we inspire your organisation to follow us in pursuit and adapt a similar working week.
If you would like to find out more, please contact our team.
Love it 😂 you got me with this one! 😂😁🤩