Our Work.

Tags: Casting



(3 found)
Creating Visual Assets for Ideal Standard

Creating Visual Assets for Ideal Standard

Our partnership with Ideal Standard has spanned over a decade. We’ve partnered with them closely on their video, animation and digital innovation projects, helping them to market their bathroom products in a unique and creative way.
Our most recent project has taken us down the animation and…

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Creating Instructional Videos for Scholl

Creating Instructional Videos for Scholl

During 2016 and 2017 Scholl has launched a number of pan-european brand extensions across it’s range of foot healthcare products. We shot and created a series of  consumer friendly instructional videos to demonstrate product features and benefits. The videos feature a mix of video and 3D…

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Filming Tour de Yorkshire Event

Filming Tour de Yorkshire Event

The beautiful East Yorkshire scenery was a thrilling backdrop as the counties towns and villages once again played host to the Tour de Yorkshire in 2017.
In a seven camera shoot, we had film crews sited at multiple strategic points along the route to get crowd vox pops and to film the build-up and…

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