Engaging Augmented Reality Experiences for Springfield Solutions!



Eon Visual Media have had the pleasure to collaborate with digital print and packaging business Springfield Solutions to help create a new cosmetics brand BLOOM, which helped to demonstrate digital embellishments across the health & beauty sector.

Following this project, our team were approached again by Springfield Solutions who were now looking to find an innovative method to demonstrate how brands could develop interactive packaging and utilise augmented reality to create an engaging customer experience.

In this case study, we will explore how our team developed two augmented reality experiences to help Springfield Solutions to create an engaging user experience.

Springfield Solutions Bloom Products



Springfield Solutions Bloom Shampoo

Aims & Objectives

Our development team met with Springfield Solutions to discuss the overall aims and objectives for this project. In our initial discussions, it was highlighted that the business wanted to demonstrate how augmented reality could be used to provide additional added value content on cosmetic product labels. Due to the lack of space on cosmetics labels, the company wanted to develop a solution which would allow customers to access further information such as product information, ingredients, and how to dispose and recycle the packaging.

The company also wanted to demonstrate how augmented reality could be used to create interactive and engaging packaging, which would continue to enhance and promote the brand post-purchase.

After recognising the objectives for the project, it was agreed that Eon Visual Media would develop two different AR experiences which would aim to provide a solution to the challenges identified by Springfield Solutions. Additionally, our videography team would also produce two video demonstrations which would support and promote the AR experiences.

Springfield Solutions



Augmented Reality for Springfield Solutions

Initial Research

With the aims and objectives set, our team began to consider the best platform for developing the augmented reality experiences. Our options were either to produce a brand-new app which would include the AR experience, develop a web-based AR experience, or alternatively create an iOS-based AR experience made via Reality Composer.

After much consideration, our team concluded that the most effective approach would be to produce an AR experience using Reality Composer which would be accessible for anybody with an iOS smart device. Using this approach allowed our team to demonstrate the most powerful, interactive & immersive features of app-less AR, whilst also allowing iOS users to access our augmented reality experiences remotely without having to download a third-party app.

To help with the development of our AR experiences, our team were able to utilise the branding and imagery which we had created whilst designing the BLOOM cosmetics brand. You can read more about the development of the BLOOM brand in our case study here. By reusing the visual assets created for the BLOOM brand design, our augmented reality experiences felt like an expansion from the original brand design which our creative team had previously produced for the company.

Augmented Reality Bloom Logo

AR Experience 1

Our first AR experience aimed to provide additional added value content on cosmetic product labels and provide customers with further information about the BLOOM products. With this, our team developed an AR experience which would allow users to interact with the various 3D models of different BLOOM products. You can see our AR experience in action in the following video! 👈

Additionally, our AR experience also allowed users to access further product information including how to use the specific products, and how to recycle and dispose of the packaging in an eco-friendly way.

As this experience was web-based, it would allow users to easily access the AR experience whilst they were in-store and utilise it as part of the overall purchasing decision process. To see this AR experience in action, please click here from your iOS device.

Augmented Reality for Springfield Solutions

AR Experience 2

Our second AR experience, aimed to demonstrate how augmented reality could be used to create an engaging customer experience which would help to promote the brand post-purchase. With this, our team developed a facial recognition AR experience, which showcase a variety of different 3D models of BLOOM beauty, skincare, and hair treatment products, and encouraged users to take a selfie and share these photos on social media. You can see our AR experience in action in the following video! 👈


Our AR experience also supported BLOOMs brand ethos of promoting body positivity and helping users to develop and grow with confidence as they applied various cosmetic products. By encouraging users to capture selfies and sharing these on social media, this would help to promote the BLOOM brand as well as the various range of products. To see this AR experience in action, please click here from your iOS device.

Augmented Reality for Springfield Solutions


After creating both AR experiences, these were submitted to Springfield Solutions and were incredibly well received and praised by the company. In a recent episode of Eon Talks, we discussed the BLOOM augmented reality experiences with Managing Director Matt Dass.

In this episode, we discuss the augmented reality experiences our team developed, as well as the many benefits these experiences have brought to Springfield Solutions.


At Eon Visual Media, we firmly believe that augmented reality will soon become an essential part of every marketing mix. With this, our friendly team of developers can collaborate with you to develop a highly interactive and engaging augmented reality experience to help promote your brand, products, and services.

For over 10 years, our team of experts have helped to develop apps for some of the UK’s largest B2B and B2C businesses, turning their ideas into reliable and robust pieces of technology. Want to find out more? Drop us a message, and we would love to chat to you about your idea!