Here at Eon Visual Media, we are proud to be celebrating International Women’s Day. Celebrated annually on the 8th March, International Women’s Day is a day that commemorates the social, political and economic achievements of women.

With this, we wanted to use this opportunity to showcase the fantastic work carried out by our female colleagues across our various departments. We sat down with Lotty, Clare, and Jade and asked them a series of questions to find out what International Women’s Day means to them…
Lotty Briggs – Head of Partnerships

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
It’s a day to recognise how far women have come in the fight for equality and for me personally, a chance to celebrate all of the strong, inspirational women in my life. Having two young girls, International Women’s Day provides the ideal platform to have conversations around the importance of equality and opportunity for all.
Why do we need more women in leadership?
It is so important for women to be represented in leadership roles, at the very least to inspire the younger generation. I am a strong believer in the importance of cognitive diversity and without women at the top, it’s just not possible to be truly diverse. Women not only think differently to men but their very experience of the world is different. This means we are able to offer a different perspective when it comes to problem solving and an alternative approach to creative thinking, which can only have a positive impact on businesses and other institutions.
What made you decide a career path in the Creative Industry?
It came from a real desire to spend my working life doing something that I love. From a young age I’ve always loved writing stories, but I also thrive when working in a team, so a career in media production was an ideal fit.
I was lucky enough to realise quite early in life that if you enjoy something and work hard at it, the likelihood is that you will be successful.
Share a women’s empowerment moment that inspired you.
There’s so many! More recently though, professional women footballers have been granted maternity leave for the first time when previously, it was always at the discretion of the club. I played football for as long as I can remember and experienced a lot of sexism along the way, but this feels like a huge step forward for the women’s game.
Clare Arnold – Creator

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
For me, International Women’s Day is about celebrating the strength and bravery of the achievements which so many women fought for across the decades. Also, it’s celebrating the strength of the women in my family who have faced their own challenges throughout their lives and careers.
Why do we need more women in leadership?
Leadership shouldn’t be dominated by one gender. Women offer different perspectives, styles of leadership, knowledge and insights.
What made you decide a career path in the Creative Industry?
From my school days I always wanted to be in the Creative Industry. It’s a diverse, constantly changing field with every day offering different challenges, it seemed the natural choice for me. I enjoy my job and I believe this is one of the things people should aim to achieve.
Share a women’s empowerment moment that inspired you.
There are so many moments in history to take inspiration from. However, for me personally, reading Tank Girl comics at college hugely inspired me. She was the ultimate pop culture icon of female empowerment!
Jade Hamilton – Sales & Marketing Executive

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
For me, International Women’s Day is a reminder for everyone, men and women, to not only speak but to also take action in working towards equality in and out of the workplace. It’s a day for us to reflect on our achievements of the many that came before us, but also to celebrate what we have overcome or achieved in our own lives whether that’s life goals; engagements, marriage, pregnancy, starting a family, but also women who have gone back to school, started their own business, ran a marathon, bought their own home or just making a better life for themselves!
Why do we need more women in leadership?
We always need a role model, someone to look up to and inspire the next generation. That applies to any gender. I think it is important to have women at the top of companies, we offer different life experiences and perspectives. I think women make the team environment less authoritative and more co-operative, bringing a ‘family-feel’ to the team.
What made you decide a career path in the Creative Industry?
I’ve always loved Art. I enjoyed drawing and music at school, since a young age I would always try to re-draw characters or famous portraits. I think it runs in my family as my sister and mum also are great drawers! I found my passion for Graphic design at school, starting at a Level 2 Diploma and now heading into becoming a Media Teacher, I have worked my way up in an industry which I truly enjoy. It’s always changing and exciting!
Share a women’s empowerment moment that inspired you.
It’s going to sound cheesy, but my mum inspired me to be a strong woman. She raised three children on her own, juggling jobs and never once did I hear her complain. She taught me and my sister to be strong, independent and to always try our best in anything we do, whatever path we chose, she supported us. Also bringing up a boy in a female dominated household, my mum taught my brother to respect and know that women can do what men can and not to judge any gender on what career or choices they make.
As you can see, we are blessed to work with some incredibly talented colleagues here at Eon Visual Media.
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