This week, we welcome Abbie Malton, one of our fabulous designers back to the team! Abbie joined us for an internship and, after finishing University, has decided to rejoin us here at Eon Visual Media.
Let’s find out a little more about what Abbie has been doing in her time away…

So, whilst you’ve been away, what have you been up to?
Whilst being away from Eon I graduated University! I studied graphic design at Northumbria and fully enjoyed every moment of it! I also narrated a couple of exhibitions, did a few markets for my small business and made the most of being free after a global pandemic.
What do you like to do in your free time?
Everything and anything! I have an issue of saying yes to everything so I’m always up for something new. More specifically, I love being with my friends, family and Kenny (my dog).
What is your proudest accomplishment?
I have a couple for different reasons, one being that I ran 10 miles (no clue how I managed that), which raised 1k for cancer research. Another is winning 2 awards at New Designers London for my University Final Major Project.

What are you most looking forward to about being back at Eon?
I’m looking forward to working with such lovely people again! I fully enjoyed my placement with Eon, I felt so included and I’m eager to get even more involved.
If you were a superhero, what would your super power be?
Elastigirl is pretty cool, plus there are limitless possibilities being a cartoon character.
Finally…what is your personal motto/mantra?
I wasn’t made to be subtle! Life is too short to not be yourself.
We are absolutely thrilled to welcome Abbie back. She’s a real creative success and we’re sure she’s going to make a wonderful asset to our team!