How are you educating and training your staff, customers and suppliers about new COVID-19 policies and procedures? Clear communication and understanding new ways of working are vital at the moment.
COVID-19 has changed what today’s and tomorrow’s office will look like. For some, that will be their kitchen or spare room, while for others it is a return to the workplace, however, it is a workplace that looks and feels different to what we are used to. With staff, suppliers, customers and visitors returning to your place of business, you may be already thinking about how to communicate your COVID-19 Secure policies.
It’s Time to go Digital
Educate your staff on your new policies with clear and concise videos, animations and Digital signs that demonstrate new rules and regulations you now have in place. You can also build this into your ‘back to work’ process by communicating this new content via email or a webinar prior to employees returning to the workplace. If you have training modules for your staff you may also want to look at new modules that educate staff specifically on COVID-19 guidelines and ensure they are accessible remotely.
Digital communications will help boost your sales team’s efforts as they are likely being forced to pivot from traditional sales methods. If you require assistance ensuring your sales team are equipped with the right digital assets, we are here to help.
You can use your new digital content to communicate with your customers and potential customers via social media platforms and your website.
If you would like to further enhance your messaging throughout the workplace using screens and digital content, your customer or site visitor will be more likely to remember the important policies;
- Hand washing
- Cleaning Surfaces
- Wayfaring and Occupancy.

Although many traditional methods for meetings are now being carried out using Digital Tools such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Skype you will still require suppliers and customers to visit your premises especially as restrictions ease. Making sure visitors are informed of your COVID-19 policies and keeping a record of their compliance with these policies will be key to ensuring your business can remain ‘COVID-19 Secure’. Utilising a simple web based questionnaire, digital signatures or a simple email can ensure this is done ahead of any visitors arriving on site. Familiarising visitors with the changes you have made to your business due to COVID-19 can also be carried out before any visitors arrive on site. We have outlined below a number of examples of how digital communication tools can help with this.
Are you utilising digital and virtual tours? It may be a while before we return to factory, facility and office visits. However, there is a solution. Interactive 360 Virtual Reality or Matterport tours allow visitors and customers to take a tour of your facilities from their own workspace. Delivered through a browser, your phone or a headset, these tours can be full of engaging interactivity. Built-in videos, documents and external links giving the viewer an engaging experience with all the information they might need. To check out an example of a Matterport tour of our offices created by our team, click here.

Customers want to see you are adapting to the required changes that ensure you are COVID-19 secure. That is why we highly recommend placing a banner on your website that informs and reassures your customers that you are COVID-19 secure. Trust is key and your customers need to be able to trust that you are taking the necessary measures to stay safe and secure. Unless you inform them, how will they know? Keep your customers informed and they will stay connected to your brand.
If you feel that you are struggling to communicate your current and future policies with regards to keeping COVID-19 secure, feel free to drop us a line and we will guide you through the process! We are the experts, this is what we do!