Last year, Eon Visual Media were recruited by Welland Medical Limited to produce a series of visual assets to help promote a brand-new product launch for the brand.
Welland Medical Limited are an innovator in stoma care, specialising in the design, development and manufacture of stoma care appliances and accessories, using the high-quality materials. The company works closely with healthcare professionals, patients, and care organisations, and helps to develop innovative products that enhance the lives of ostomates across the world.
The aim for this project was to help Welland Medical Limited to produce an educational video to help promote the effects of manuka honey and peristomal skin health.
What We Did
In preparation for this project, our creative team liaised with Welland Medical Limited to create a strategy and discuss ideas for new visual assets. From here, it was agreed that Eon Visual Media would produce an animated video for the Welland Medical Limited website which would aim to educate viewers on the importance of skin health around a stoma, and the impact of Manuka honey in supporting healthy skin.
To begin this project, a script was designed by Welland Medical Limited which provided an overview to all the medical information and facts that wanted to be communicated in the animation. After reviewing this script and amending this accordingly, our creative team developed a storyboard which would communicate all the information from this script whilst also addressing the overall objectives of the project. After gaining approval on the storyboard from Welland Medical Limited, our team began to develop and design images and design concepts for the animation.
Our creative team were able to utilise Welland Medical Limited’s existing branding and imagery to create visual assets that supported the company’s previous visual materials. Doing this also allowed our new animated video to keep on brand and message with Welland Medical Limited’s current branding and mission statement.
After gaining further approval from Welland Medical Limited, our team began to develop the full animated video which educated viewers on healthcare topics including, ‘understanding skin’, ‘skin health around a stoma’, ‘the history of Manuka honey’, ‘Manuka honey stoma care solutions’, and ‘what ostomates say about their Manuka honey pouch’.
Due to the overall length, the final animation was edited down into three shorter animations so that Welland Medical Limited could draw focus onto each subject depending on the target audience and topic focus.
Our full animated video production can be seen here!
After creating and submitting this informative video, this was incredibly well received by Welland Medical Limited and was utilised by the company on their website and YouTube channel. Since its debut, the video has been viewed by healthcare professionals, patients, and care organisations worldwide, and translated into 6 different languages.
“We were very happy with the outcome of the animations, all project managed and created during a pandemic via teams! Our global partners were very impressed with the quality, and many opted to have the animation set translated into their local language.”
Natalie Woolgar – Senior Marketing Communications Executive at Welland Medical Limited
At Eon Visual Media, our friendly team of creators can collaborate with you to develop a professional and high-quality video to help promote your brand, products, and services. With our expertise, our creative team can help to create an entertaining and engaging video production helping your business stand out from the competition.
Want to find out more? Drop us a message or email us at and let’s get creative!