Here at Eon Visual Media we are constantly engaging with new technologies and researching innovation. A huge part of the new digital revolution is the Metaverse and spatial areas. Although the reality of the Metaverse being an integral part of life is a little way off yet, its continuous development and innovation only serves to prove its place in the next generation of innovative tech!
Join us as we highlight different Metaverse spaces and shine a light on some of the features making them successful!
First up…Nikeland!

What is Nikeland?
Teaming up with global gaming platform Roblox, Nike created their own virtual space called Nikeland. With 7 million visitors in its first two months, Nikeland has proven the impact that Metaverse/online spaces can have on brands. Nike’s goal with Nikeland is to ‘turn sport and play into a lifestyle’. With the aim of a Nike-branded gaming experience, Nikeland allows users to create an virtual avatar, engage in social events and purchase Nike-branded NFTs (non-fungible tokens), stimulating a connection between online and physical worlds. To date, Nikeland is estimated to have around 21 million visitors, from general gamers to commissioned celebrities.

Is Nikeland Successful? How?
In short yes, Nikeland is successful. And it is down to continuous development and innovation.
With all gaming platforms, the clear route to success is constant improvements and upgrades that enhance user experience. Nike provide ongoing content updates to allow users to discover new products in engaging and authentic ways. It could be argued, however, that Nikeland’s success is down to the amount of young users flocking to the space to partake in the sporting events and have the opportunity to engage with celebrities. Of course, Nike have a huge advantage in their partnership with Roblox, a platform with around 43 million daily users. Having access to such a large platform that is already centred around gaming and NFTs gives Nike a huge boost and encourages Roblox users to engage with Nikeland. Their strategy of gathering likeminded users (those interested in sport) and encouraging participation in events, as well as the avatar and NFT opportunities also hugely contributes to Nike’s success. It is estimated that the digital results of Nikeland make up a staggering 26% of Nike’s total revenue. Crazy, right?!

How does Nikeland Affect Branding?
Branding poses a significant contribution to the development and success of Metaverse spaces, especially with larger brands such as Nike. Creating Nikeland allows Nike to reach audiences they may not have otherwise connected with, specifically Gen Z. Gen Z’ers typically understand how lifestyle experiences, and those occurring in virtual spaces, can extend into future interactions with brands in the real world, therefore an affinity with Gen Z is an affinity with innovation. Understanding the significance of real world experiences first, Nike have emulated this parasocial experience through bringing Nikeland into the real world; Nike stores in New York have augmented reality Snapchat filters that immerse visitors into Nikeland, attempting to bridge the gap between the reality and virtual reality.
During NBA All-Star week, LeBron James, professional basketball player, was commissioned to visit Nikeland and have users engage with him. Players would be rewarded with gameplay and virtual product unlockings. Similarly to this, Gucci Town (Gucci’s Metaverse space) recently held their Gucci Flora perfume campaign within the Metaverse, giving users the opportunity to engage with ambassador, Miley Cyrus. These types of celebrity involvements further prove the impact of the Metaverse on branding and engagement.

Nikeland is an incredibly successful Metaverse space, centering around sporting competitions, digital events, avatars and NFTs. Nike’s strategic partnership with Roblox, and the inclusion of Nike-branded products, help cement Nikeland as one of the more successful spaces to currently exist. It is, for sure, a space to keep an eye on…we wonder what Nikeland will do to maintain this presence in the next digital revolution with the next generation of innovation?!