
Official Tech & Visual Media Partner for The Waterline Summit 2021!


We are delighted to announce that we are a key event sponsor and official Tech & Visual Media Partner for The Waterline Summit 2021! We are incredibly proud to supporting Marketing Humber and The Waterline Summit 2021 and working alongside a wide variety of businesses operating within the Hull & East Yorkshire Region. As Tech & Visual Media Partner for this event, our team will play a key role in will be co-ordinating and hosting various live streams throughout the summit and helping to connect the Humber to COP and beyond.

Sponsor of The Waterline Summit 2021
Eon Visual Media – Official Tech & Visual Media Partner

About The Waterline Summit 2021

The Waterline Summit 2021 is hosted by Marketing Humber and will showcase transformational projects of scale, and the economic benefits as we build a new model for decarbonisation for all communities in our region and beyond.

The event will take place over five days from 18th-22nd October 2021, and cover five themes including,

  • Connecting the Humber to COP26
  • Energy Transition
  • Clean Road Transport
  • Adaptation, Resilience & Nature
  • Cities and Built Environment

You can see the full schedule of events and register here!

Waterline – Marketing Humber

Sustainability at Eon

At Eon Visual Media, we are committed to operating as a sustainable organisation and are constantly working on a variety of Eco-Friendly initiatives to offset our effect on the environment and achieve our goal of a zero-carbon economy.

Over the years, we have strived to develop ‘Green’ campaigns both internally and externally, with the aim to assist in offsetting their environmental impact as a business by,

  • Installing 94 solar panels on the roof of our business headquarters.
  • Transferring the entire electricity supply to come from 100% renewable sources.
  • Encouraging flexible working for staff to cut down on carbon emissions.
  • Installing energy-efficient LED lighting throughout the building, including timed lights for low use areas.
  • Daily shut down of large equipment.
  • Internal awareness campaign to switch off electrical equipment when not in useSustainability .
Sustainability at Eon Visual Media

Register & find out more!

If you would like to register and find out more about the upcoming Waterline Summit 2021 event, please check out the event website here! Also, make sure you subscribe to our social media channels to keep up to date with the latest news and announcements! 

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