Hybrid working – the dynamic method of home and office working, promoting flexibility, control and increased wellbeing. At this point in 2022, we all know what hybrid working is, how adaptive it is, and how it is becoming an increasingly popular choice for organisations and their employees, but is hybrid working actually the future of business?
As of February 2022, 84% of those who worked from home during the pandemic planned to continue a form of hybrid working. Studies show that employees find it more liberating and productive, giving them more control over their work-life balance. Some also show that it helps individuals achieve self-actualisation, allowing them to reach personal goals and milestones through having more flexibility around work. A modern working environment is expected to be more considerate of personal issues such as mental/physical health, burnout and family commitments – is hybrid working a solution to a rapidly changing working environment, sparked by empowered Gen Z’ers?

Evidently, Gen Z’ers and Millennials are replenishing workplaces, and so their bold personalities and expectations must be met.
Do Gen Z’ers want to work remotely? Yes, but not solely. Studies find that Gen Z’ers love the idea of having the opportunity to work remotely, especially as a solution to personal difficulties, travel issues and other situations which personally affect them. But, they want the social environment of an office, and who could blame them after the loneliness of the pandemic?! The concept of hybrid working and its flexibility gives way to opportunities for home working in certain situations, to support employees in their personal circumstances. Being able to find a balance between remoteness, inclusivity and social experience, gives organisations the best chance at nourishing a supportive and engaging culture. Hybrid working, in conjunction with engaging office work, creates a captivating environment for younger populations especially, to encourage better employee wellbeing as well as engagement in social spaces

So, is hybrid working the future? Research shows that yes, it is! The opportunities created by hybrid work encourages employees to seek more social office spaces as well as utilise the flexibility to engage in better wellbeing and personal care.
Of course, hybrid work is only manageable if organisations have sound digital interfaces and the technological capabilities. Eon Visual Media engage in a monthly team catchup to encourage people to be social and personal. We have a great digital ecosystem in which employees are constantly connected and accessible, to ensure we have great communication!
Using current technologies, such as Skype, Zoom and Microsoft Teams, creates an accessible social space for employees to stay virtually connected. As well as this, there are many opportunities to invest in more advanced technologies such as HoloLens and Spatial, which seek to create a more interactive social space. Here at Eon, we use Spatial to create a metaverse environment to encourage interaction between employees – our virtual space is used to facilitate connections and improve organic communication throughout the company. It also has the potential to showcase product/service offerings if you were to further use the technology.
If you need a hand in creating a better website or social (or metaverse!) space for your employees, get in touch today! We can create a better technological environment for a better, more connected future.