We are very happy to welcome back our team member! Will is back, joining our design and animation team and he will be assisting our current team on the many projects we are continually working on. Take it away, Will!
I was at Eon Visual Media as an animator and designer for 5 years previously. Since then, I have worked as a creative in a few in-house roles – notably Groupe Atlantic looking after creatives for ACV, Hamworthy and Ideal Heating, as well as some of their other brands.
I’m excited to be back at Eon and looking forward to getting stuck into some exciting projects and getting creative. I’m also excited to reconnect with existing clients and meeting the new ones too; as well as producing amazing content for them!
I love traveling – with my favourite country being Japan – the food, scenery (whether it’s countryside or urban), the innovative tech and small attentions to detail are all awesome! I’ve also developed a liking for DIY projects – having recently converted half of our garage to an office space as a lockdown project (it might be a little rough around the edges, but I’m proud of it…). I also enjoy a good gaming session, TV series or film too.
With the recent birth of our daughter, family time is also very important to me too. I love seeing how she’s already learning things and being able to see her on my lunch breaks is a definite positive of lockdown!

What gets you out of bed in the morning?
At the moment? Probably our 3 month old daughter – bright and early!
Work wise – I like the feeling of creating stuff that has the potential to make someone’s day, or make the world a tad bit better and colourful (especially at the moment!).
What three words would you use to describe your new role?
Enjoyable, Creative and Passionate
If you could switch jobs with someone, who would it be?
Probably either Jon or Jonny. Granted things are a little different at the moment, but they get to travel around the country quite a bit filming. Plus I wanted to be the next Stanley Kubrick when I was younger, so I reckon film would be amazing!
What is on your wish list for the next three years here?
Since my first term at Eon I’ve had a lot of in-house experiences that have shaped me in to a much more rounded creative and professional. Having rejoined, over the next 3 years I want to help junior members of the team using my experiences to guide them where I can and help them to develop their skills.
I also want to build upon the already great animation arm of the business and create some amazing content for our clients!
If you could choose anyone who would you pick as your mentor?
As an animator, it has to be Walt Disney, right? Although I reckon Wes Anderson would be great to learn from. The level of detail he gets from flat compositions… The guy is a genius.
When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?
I recently watched Aunty Donna’s Big Ol’ House of Fun. A very weird show, but it gave me a much needed laugh over lockdown!
What is your motto or personal mantra?
Work hard and be there for people when they need help. I suppose that’s kinda two – I think they can be used together though – Sometimes if you work hard you make someone’s life easier further down a project’s progress.
Given a chance, who would you like to be for a day?
Is this restricted to humans? If not, we have an indoor rabbit called Loki. I reckon it’d be a doddle being him – he has it so easy!