
3 Reasons You Need to do a Content Design Audit!


All content design is equal, but some content design is more equal than others. As businesses strive to capture and retain the attention of their target audience, the design and presentation of content have become just as important as the message itself. A content design audit is a critical step in ensuring that your content is not only engaging but also aligned with your brand’s goals and audience needs. It’s more than just a quality check – it’s about optimising how your content looks, feels, and functions across all platforms, through the eyes of the audience.

Read on to find out the 3 main reasons why you should be carrying out a content design audit!

1. Ensure brand consistency

Constantly reviewing and refreshing your content design gives you opportunities to identify outdated elements and ensure you’re sticking to your brand guidelines. It’s easy to stray from your guidelines after a long period of time, especially if they no longer reflect your personal/business goals. (Psst, read more about brand guidelines here!)

Carrying out an audit will encourage you to maintain a cohesive brand identity across platforms including web and social. Take a look through your content and identify the elements that no longer align and resonate with your target audience.

Brand guidelines and content design

2. Optimise user experience

Enhancing visual appeal through navigation, readability, and overall design flow, can really optimise user experience on your social media and websites. Ensure your content is capturing and retaining the attention of your target audience, but also make sure it is simple to digest and gives them what they’re looking for.

User experience is one of the most important elements of design and marketing to consider. If your potential customers are frustrated and find information difficult to obtain, they’re less likely to have any form of loyalty towards your brand. In the modern world, attention spans are shortening, so you need to meet your customer needs quickly and efficiently.

3. Improve accessibility of content design

It’s likely you haven’t done a full design audit in a while…and times have changed. Audience expectations have developed and now things like closed captions or subtitles are often expected as a minimum. Within a content design audit, you can identify inconsistencies and make necessary adjustments to font, colour, or imagery for example, to make designs more accessible and digestible.

You can standardise and streamline your content design and marketing assets whilst still keeping it fun. Use your brand guidelines as a creative guide to content design. Refresh your designs regularly to ensure your audience are captivated by your content and that it’s accessible and simple for them to access and digest.

When did you last audit your content design?

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